Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

+--Dexter Otha Andrews  (Private-)
Glenn Andrews  (Private-)
|                          +--Jean Richard-Sansoucy  (20 NOV 1600-UNKNOWN)
|                       +--Michel Richard  (ABT 1630-4 OCT 1709)
|                       |  +--Michelle Paullin  (20 OCT 1610-21 MAY 1681)
|                    +--Alexandre Richard  (ABT 1668-4 OCT 1710)
|                    |  +--Madeleine-Marie Blanchard  (1643-1680)
|                 +--Jean-Baptiste Richard  (1710-25 MAR 1751)
|                 |  +--Elizabeth Isabelle Petitpas  (ABT 1670-AFT 1701)
|              +--Frederic Richard  (1738-UNKNOWN)
|              |  +--Claude De La Fleur Petitpas  (1 OCT 1708-UNKNOWN)
|           +--Joseph Richard  (-UNKNOWN)
|           |  +--Marie Marthe Dupuis  (-UNKNOWN)
|        +--David Richard  (1821-UNKNOWN)
|        |  +--Agathe Magneron-Lajeunesse  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Edmond Richard  (15 OCT 1852-19 MAY 1934)
|     |  +--Sophie Justine Beourgeois  (1820-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Joseph J. Richard  (10 SEP 1897-26 SEP 1960)
|  |  +--Marie Azarine Brault  (18 SEP 1854-24 JUN 1922)
+--Shirley Ann Richard  (Private-)
   +--Wilhelmina Gauthier  (29 MAR 1901-28 SEP 1992)


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Mayrand Family Association
1890 Sutter Street, #105, San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (415) 929-8599
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