Geneology data and Family Tree Brach

      +--Sylvain Tondreau  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Pierre Tondreau  (1651-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Jacquette Oudet  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Joseph Tondreau  (20 MAR 1696/97-25 DEC 1756)
|  |     +--Jean Frechet  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Pierre Frechet  (-28 DEC 1677)
|  |  |  +--Jacquette Goyon  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Marie-Anne Frechet  (10 SEP 1674-5 MAY 1741)
|     |  +--Êlie Gaudin  (1621-5 JAN 1671/72)
|     +--Charlotte Gaudin  (24 AUG 1655-UNKNOWN)
|        +--Esther Ramage  (1624-UNKNOWN)
Marguerite-Ursule Tondreau  (29 NOV 1734-UNKNOWN)
|        +--Michel Langelier  (-UNKNOWN)
|     +--Sebastian Langelier  (-UNKNOWN)
|     |  +--Catherine Bidaut  (-UNKNOWN)
|  +--Charles Langelier  (13 OCT 1670-UNKNOWN)
|  |  |  +--Olivier de Beauregard  (-UNKNOWN)
|  |  +--Marie-Francoise de Beauregard  (1645-24 OCT 1715)
|  |     +--Philippe Ardouin  (-UNKNOWN)
+--Elisabeth-Gabrielle Langelier  (14 FEB 1698/99-UNKNOWN)
   |        +--Antoine Destroismaisons  (ABT 1580-UNKNOWN)
   |     +--Adam Destroismaisons  (-UNKNOWN)
   |     |  +--Jeanne Lacherer  (ABT 1585-UNKNOWN)
   |  +--Philippe Destroismaisons  (1637-UNKNOWN)
   |  |  +--Antoinette LeRoux  (-UNKNOWN)
   +--Francoise Destroismaisons  (2 JAN 1673/74-UNKNOWN)
      |  +--Pierre Crosnier  (-UNKNOWN)
      +--Martine Crosnier  (1645-UNKNOWN)
         +--Jeanne Nodreau  (-UNKNOWN)


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1890 Sutter Street, #105, San Francisco, CA 94115. Phone (415) 929-8599
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